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Take a look at what we've put out for the scientific community 

Photo: Valesca de Groot


Bates, AE, Davies, MA., Stuart-Smith, R. D., Lazzari, N., Lefcheck, J. S., Ling, S. D., ... & Baker, S. C. (2024). Overcome imposter syndrome: Contribute to working groups and build strong networks. Biological Conservation, 293, 110566.

Nikoo, ML, Richards, C, & Bates, AE. (2024). Rapid worldwide return to nature after lockdown as a motivator for conservation and sustainable action. Biological Conservation, 292, 110517.

Morley, S. A., Bates, AE, Clark, M. S., Fitzcharles, E., Smith, R., Stainthorp, R. E., & Peck, L. S. (2024). Testing the Resilience, Physiological Plasticity and Mechanisms Underlying Upper Temperature Limits of Antarctic Marine Ectotherms. Biology, 13(4), 224.

Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Bates, AE, Strona, G., Bulleri, F., Horta e Costa, B., Edgar, G. J., ... & Aspillaga, E. (2024). Marine protected areas promote stability of reef fish communities under climate warming. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1822.

Fuchs, Y. H., Edgar, G., Bates, AE, Waldock, C., & Smith, R. S. (2024). Limited net poleward movement amongst Australian reef species over a decade of climate extremes.

Schuster, JM, Stuart‐Smith, R. D., Edgar, G. J., & Bates, AE. (2022). Tropicalization of temperate reef fish communities facilitated by urchin grazing and diversity of thermal affinities. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(5), 995-1005.

Gonzalez, A., Vihervaara, P., Balvanera, P., Bates, AE, Bayraktarov, E., Bellingham, P. J., ... & Torrelio, C. Z. (2023). A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action. Nature ecology & evolution, 7(12), 1947-1952.

Richards, C; R Cooke; DE Bowler; K Boerder; AE Bates. (2024). Bycatch-threatened seabirds disproportionally contribute to community trait composition across the world. Global Ecology and Conservation, 49, e02792.


Schuster, JM; Bates, AE. (2023). The role of kelp availability and quality on the energetic state and thermal tolerance of sea urchin and gastropod grazers. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 569, 151947.

Gonzalez, A., P Vihervaara; P Balvanera; AE Bates; E Bayraktarov; PJ Bellingham; ... & CZ Torrelio. (2023). Author Correction: A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action. Nature ecology & evolution, 1-1.

Hidalgo-Triana N, A Picornell, S Reyes, G Circella, H Ribeiro, AE Bates, et al (2023) Perceptions of change in the environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for environmental policy.Environmental Impact Assessment Review 99, 107013

Brandl SJ, JS Lefcheck, AE Bates, DB Rasher, T Norin (2023) Can metabolic traits explain animal community assembly and functioning? Biological Reviews 98 (1), 1-18. 

Desforges JE, K Birnie-Gauvin, F Jutfelt...AE Bates, et al (2023) The Ecological Relevance of Critical Thermal Maxima Methodology (CTM) for Fishes. EcoEvoRxiv. 

Martins IS, F Schrodt, SA Blowes, AE Bates, et al (2023) Widespread reductions in body size are paired with stable assemblage biomass. BioRxiv 2023.02. 03.526822. 



Morley SA, JWF Chu, LS Peck, AE Bates (2022) Temperatures leading to heat escape responses in Antarctic marine ectotherms match acute thermal limits. Frontiers in Physiology 13, 2593. 


Ravikumar AP, E Baker, A Bates, et al. (2022) Enabling an equitable energy transition through inclusive research. Nature Energy, 1-4. 

Schuster JM, A Kurt Gamperl, P Gagnon, AE Bates (2022) Distinct realized physiologies in green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) populations from barren and kelp habitats. FACETS 7 (1), 822-842.

Cooke RSC, W Gearty, ASA Chapman, et al... Bates, A. E (2022) Anthropogenic disruptions to longstanding patterns of trophic-size structure in vertebrates. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (6), 684-692.

Morley SA, JM Navarro, A Ortíz, C Détrée, L Gerrish, C González-Wevar et al... Bates, A. E (2022) Evolutionary constraints on physiology confound range shift predictions of two nacellid limpets. Science of The Total Environment 806, 150943.


Richards C, RSC Cooke, DE Bowler, K Boerder, AE Bates. Species' traits and exposure as a future lens for quantifying seabird bycatch vulnerability in global fisheries. Avian Conservation and Ecology 17 (1), 34. 

Schuster JM, RD Stuart-Smith, GJ Edgar, AE Bates (2022) Tropicalization of temperate reef fish communities facilitated by urchin grazing and diversity of thermal affinities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31, 995-1005.





Bates, A. E., Primack, R., Biggar, B., Bird, T., Clinton, M., Command, R., Richards, C., et al. (2021) Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as threats and custodians of the environment, Biological Conservation.

Bates, AE,  S Mangubhai, CB Milanés, K Rodgers, V Vergara (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic as a pivot point for biological conservation. Nature Communications, 12, 5176.

Davies SW, Putnam HM, Ainsworth T, Baum JK, Bove CB... Bates, AE (2021) Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science. PLOS Biology 19, e3001282.

Duncan, M, NC James, WM Potts, AE Bates (2021) Different drivers, common mechanism: The distribution of a reef fish is restricted by local scale oxygen and temperature limits on aerobic metabolism, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61, E213-E214.

Green, J. M., Dunbrack, R. L., & Bates, A. E. (2021). Signals of resilience and change in tidepool fish communities on the Pacific coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. Diversity and Distributions, 00, 1– 10.

McKnight, E, Spake, R, Bates, A, Smale, DA, Rius, M. Non-native species outperform natives in coastal marine ecosystems subjected to warming and freshening events. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2021; 30: 1698–1712.

Miatta, M, AE Bates, PVR Snelgrove (2021) Incorporating biological traits into conservation strategies. Annual Review of Marine Science. 13, 421-443.

F Muller-Karger, M Kavanaugh, K Iken, E Montes, F Chavez, H Ruhl, ... Bates AE et al. (2021) Marine Life 2030: Forecasting Changes to Ocean Biodiversity to Inform Decision-Making: A Critical Role for the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON), Marine Technology Society Journal, 55, 84-85.

Payne N; SA Morely; LG Halsey; JA Smith; R Stuart-Smith; C Waldock; AE Bates (2021) Fish heating tolerance scales similarly across individual physiology and populations, Communications Biology, 4, 264.

Primack, R. B., Bates, AE., & Duarte, C. M. (2021). The conservation and ecological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Biological Conservation, 260, 109204.

Richards, C, Cooke, RSC & Bates, AE (2021) Biological traits of seabirds predict extinction risk and vulnerability to anthropogenic threats, Global Ecology and Biogeography. 30, 973-986.

Stuart-Smith, RD, C Mellin, AE Bates, GJ Edgar (2021) Habitat loss and range shifts contribute to ecological generalization among reef fishes. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5, 656-662. 

EK Studd, AE Bates, AJ Bramburger, T Fernandes, B Hayden, HAL Henry, et al. (2021) Nine maxims for the ecology of cold-climate winters, BioScience.

Van Leeuwen, TE, Dempson, JB, Cote, D, Kelly, NI, AE Bates. (2021) Catchability of Atlantic salmon at high water temperatures: Implications for river closure temperature thresholds to catch and release angling. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 28: 147– 157.


Antão, LH, AE Bates, SA Blowes, C Waldock, SR Supp, AE Magurran, MA Dornelas, AM Schipper (2020) Temperature-related biodiversity change across temperate marine and terrestrial systems. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 4, 927-933.

Bates, AE, RB Primack, P Moraga, CM Duarte (2020) COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown as a “Global Human Confinement Experiment” to investigate biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation. Biological Conservation. 248, 108665.

Bates, AE, SA Morley (2020) Interpreting empirical estimates of experimentally derived physiological and biological thermal limits in ectotherms. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 98, 237-244.

Bowler, DE, AD Bjorkman, M Dornelas, I Myers-Smith, LM Navarro, A Niamir, SR Supp, CA Waldock, M Vellend, SA Blowes, K Böhning-Gaese, H Bruelheide, R Elahi, LH Antão, JH Hines, F Isbell, HP Jones, AE Magurran, JS Cabral, M Winter, AE Bates (2020) The geography of the Anthropocene differs between the land and the sea. People and Nature. 2, 380:394.

Cooke, RSC, F Eigenbrod, AE Bates (2020) Ecological distinctiveness of birds and mammals at the global scale. Global Ecology and Conservation. 22, e00970.

Corlett, RT, RB Primack, V Devictor, B Maas, VR Goswami, AE Bates, LP Koh, TJ Regan, R Loyola, RJ Pakeman (2020) Impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation. 246, 108571.

Duncan, MI, NC James, WM Potts, AE Bates (2020) Different drivers, common mechanism: the distribution of a reef fish is restricted by local-scale oxygen and temperature constraints on aerobic metabolism. Conservation Physiology. 8, coaa090.

Edgar, GJ, A Cooper, SC Baker, W Barker, NS Barrett, MA Becerro, AE Bates, D Brock, DM Ceccarelli, E Clausius, M Davey, TR Davis, RB Day, A Green, SR Griffiths, J Hicks, IA Hinojosa, BK Jones, S Kinnimonth, MIF Larkin, N Lazzari, JS Lefcheck, SD Ling, P Mooney, E Oh, A Perez-Matus, JB Pocklington, R Riera, JA Sanabria-Fernandez, Y Seroussi, I Shaw, D Shields, J Shields, M Smith, GA Soler, J Stuart-Smith, J Turnbully, RD Stuart-Smith (2020) Reef Life Survey: Establishing the ecological basis for conservation of shallow marine life. Biological Conservation. 252, 108855.

Katsanevakis S, Coll M, Fraschetti S, Giakoumi S, Goldsborough D, Mačić V, Mackelworth P, Rilov G, Stelzenmüller V, Albano PG, Bates AE, Bevilacqua S, Gissi E, Hermoso V, Mazaris AD, Pita C, Rossi V, Teff-Seker Y and Yates K (2020) Twelve Recommendations for Advancing Marine Conservation in European and Contiguous Seas. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:565968.

Rutz, C, M-C Loretto, AE Bates, SC Davidson, CM Duarte, W Jetz, M Johnson, A Kato, R Kays, T Mueller (2020) COVID-19 lockdown allows researchers to quantify the effects of human activity on wildlife. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 4, 1156–1159.

Van Leeuwen, TE, JB Dempson, CM Burke, NI Kelly, MJ Robertson, RJ Lennox, TB Havn, MMA Svenning, Martin MA; Hinks, Ross; Guzzo, Matthew M, AE Bates (2020) Mortality of Atlantic salmon after catch and release angling: assessment of a recreational Atlantic salmon fishery in a changing climate. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77, 1518-1528.

Van Leeuwen, TE, JB Dempson, D Cote, NI Kelly, AE Bates (2020) Catchability of Atlantic salmon at high water temperatures: Implications for river closure temperature thresholds to catch and release angling. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 00, 1– 11.

Williams, JJ, AE Bates, T Newbold (2020) Human-dominated land uses favour species affiliated with more extreme climates, especially in the tropics. Ecography. 43, 391-405.



Bates, A.E., R.S.C. Cooke, M.I. Duncan, G.J. Edgar, J.F. Bruno, L. Benedetti-Cecchi, I.M. Côté, J.S. Lefcheck, M.J. Costello, N. Barrett (2019) Climate resilience in marine protected areas and the ‘Protection Paradox’. Biological Conservation 236: 305-314.


Blowes, S.A., S.R. Supp, L.H. Antão, A.E. Bates, H. Bruelheide, J.M. Chase, F. Moyes, A. Magurran, B. McGill, I. Myers-Smith, M. Winter, A.D. Bjorkman, D. Bowler, J.E.K. Byrnes, A. Gonzalez, J. Hines, F. Isbell, H. Jones, L.M. Navarro, P. Thompson, M. Vellend, C.A. Waldock, M. Dornelas (2019) The geography of biodiversity change in marine and terrestrial assemblages. Science. 366: 339-345.


Bradley, B.A., B.B. Laginhas, R. Whitlock, J.M. Allen, A.E. Bates, G. Bernatchez, J.M. Diez, R. Early, J. Lenoir, M. Vilà, C.J.B. Sorte (2019) Disentangling the abundance-impact relationship for invasive species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116: 9919-9924.


Burrows, M.T., A.E. Bates, M.J. Costello, M. Edwards, G.J. Edgar, C.J. Fox, B.S. Halpern, J.G. Hiddink, M.L. Pinsky, R.D. Batt, J.G. Molinos, B. Payne, D. Schoeman, R.D. Stuart-Smith, E.S. Poloczanska (2019) Thermal affinities and vertical temperature gradients predict responses to warming in ocean communities. Nature Climate Change.


Chapman, A.S.A., S.E. Beaulieu, A. Colaço, A.V. Gebruk, A. Hilario, T.C. Kihara, E. Ramirez-Llodra, J. Sarrazin, V. Tunnicliffe, D.J. Amon, M. Baker, R.E. Boschen-Rose, C. Chen, I.J. Cooper, I.J. Copley, L. Corbari, E.E. Cordes, D.D. Cuvelier, S. Duperron, C. Du Preez, S. Gollner, T. Horton, S. Hourdez, E.M. Krylova, S. Linse, P.A. LokaBharathi, L. Marsh, M. Matabos, S.W. Mills, L.S. Mullineaux, H.T. Rapp, W.D.K. Reid, E. Rybakova, T.A.R. Thomas, S.J. Southgate, S. Stöhr, P.J. Turner, H.K. Watanabe, M. Yasuhara, A.E. Bates (2019) sFDvent: a global trait database for deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna. Global Ecology and Biogeography 00: 1-14.


Chase, J.M., B.J. McGill, P.L. Thompson, L.H. Antão, A.E. Bates, S.A. Blowes, M. Dornelas, A. Gonzalez, A.E. Magurran, S.R. Supp, M. Winter, A.E. Bjorkman, H. Bruelheide, J.E. Byrnes, J.S. Cabral, R. Elahi, C. Gomez, H.M. Guzman, F. Isbell, I.H. Myers‐Smith, H.P. Jones, J. Hines, M. Vellend, C. Waldock, M. O'Connor (2019) Species richness change across spatial scales. Oikos 128: 1079-1091.


Cooke, R.S.C., F. Eigenbrod, A.E. Bates (2019) Projected losses of global mammal and bird ecological strategies. Nature Communications 10: 2279.


Cooke, R.S.C., A.E. Bates, F. Eigenbrod (2019) Global trade-offs of functional redundancy and functional dispersion for birds and mammals. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 415-543.


Costello, M.J., K.H. Beard, R.B. Primack, V. Devictor, A.E. Bates (2019) Are killer bees good for coffee? The contribution of a paper's title and other factors to its future citations. Biological Conservation 229: A1-A5.


Dornelas, M., M. Bunce, J.D. DiBattista, M. Johnson, E.M.P. Madin, J.S. Madin, A.E. Magurran, B.J. McGill, N. Pettorelli, O. Pizarro, S.B. Williams, M. Winter, A.E. Bates (2019) Towards a macroscope: leveraging technology to transform the breadth, scale and resolution of macroecological data. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 

Duncan, M.I., A.E. Bates, N.C. James, W.M. Potts (2019) Exploitation may influence the climate resilience of fish populations through removing high performance metabolic phenotypes. Scientific Reports 9: 1-19.


Duncan, M.I., N.C. James, A.E. Bates, W.S. Goschen, W.M. Potts (2019) Localised intermittent upwelling intensity has increased along South Africa’s south coast due to El Nino Southern Oscillation phase state. African Journal of Marine Science 41: 325-330.


McGaw, I.J., T.E. Van Leeuwen, R.H. Trehern, A.E. Bates (2019) Changes in precipitation may alter food preference in an ecosystem engineer, the black land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola. PeerJ 7: e6818.


Morley, S.A., L.S. Peck, J. Sunday, S. Heiser, A.E. Bates (2019) Physiological acclimation and persistence of ectothermic species under extreme heat events. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1018-1037.


Pakeman, R.J., A.E. Bates, R. Corlett, G. Cumming, D. Johns, L.P. Koh, R. Loyola, B. Maas, L. Pejchar, R.B. Primack, T.J. Regan, R. Roth, D. Descoteaux, V. Devictor (2019) Fifty Years of Biological Conversation. Biological Conservation 230, A1-A4.


Primack, R.B, T.J. Regan, V. Devictor, L. Zipf, L. Godet, R. Loyola, B. Maas, R.J. Pakeman, G.S. Cumming, A.E. Bates (2019) Are scientific editors reliable gatekeepers of the publication process? Biological Conservation 238: 108232.


Richards, C., O. Padget, T. Guilford, A.E. Bates (2019) Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) rafting behaviour revealed by GPS tracking and behavioural observations. PeerJ. 7: e7863. [Editors' Pick]


Waldock, C.A., R.D. Stuart-Smith, G.J. Edgar, T.J. Bird, A.E. Bates (2019) The shape of abundance distributions across temperature gradients in reef fishes. Ecology Letters 22: 685-696.


Williams, J.J., A.E. Bates, T. Newbold (2019) Local climatic changes influence biodiversity responses to land-use change. Ecography. 




Bates, A.E., B. Helmuth, M.T. Burrows, M.I. Duncan, J. Garrabou, T. Guy-Haim, F. Lima, A.M. Queiros, R. Seabra, R. Marsh, Y. Belmaker, N. Bensoussan, Y. Dong, A. Mazaris, D. Smale, M. Wahl, G. Rilov (2018). Biologists ignore ocean weather at their peril. Nature 560: 299-301


De Palma, A., K. Sanchez-Ortiz, P.A. Martin, A. Chadwick, G. Gilbert, A.E. Bates, L. Börger, S. Contu, S.L.L. Hill, A. Purvis (2018). Challenges with inferring how land-use affects terrestrial biodiversity: study design, time, space and synthesis. Advances in Ecological Research 58: 163-199


Waldock, C.A., M.A. Dornelas, A.E. Bates (2018) Temperature driven biodiversity change: disentangling space and time. BioScience 11: 873-884


Bruno, J.F., Bates, A.E., C. Cacciapaglia, E.P. Pike, S. Amstrup, R. van Hooidonk, S.A. Henson, R.B. Aronson (2018) Climate change threatens the world's marine protected areas. Nature Climate Change 8: 499-503


Dornelas, M., L. Antao, F. Moyes, A.E. Bates, A. Magurran + 234 data contributors (2018) BioTIME: a database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 760-786


Day, P., R.D. Stuart-Smith, G.J. Gedgar, A.E. Bates (2018) Species’ thermal ranges predict changes in reef fish community structure during eight years of extreme temperature variation. Diversity and Distributions 24:1036-1046 [Editor’s Pick]


Chapman, A.S.A., V. Tunnicliffe, A.E. Bates (2018) Both rare and common species make unique contributions to functional diversity in an ecosystem unaffected by human activities. Diversity and Distributions 24: 1-11

[Editor’s Pick]


Campbell, S.J., G.J. Edgar, R.D. Stuart-Smith, G. Soler, A.E. Bates (2018) Fishing-gear restrictions and biomass gains for coral reef fishes in marine protected areas. Conservation Biology 32: 401-410




Stuart-Smith, R.D., G.J. Gedgar, A.E. Bates (2017) Thermal limits to the geographic distributions of shallow-water marine species. Nature Ecology and Evolution (doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0353-x)


Campbell, S.J., G.J. Edgar, R.D. Stuart-Smith, G. Soler, A.E. Bates (2017) Fishing-gear restrictions and biomass gains for coral reef fishes in marine protected areas. Conservation Biology (doi: 10.1111/cobi.12996)


Edgar, G.J., T.J. Alexander, J.S. Lefcheck, A.E. Bates, R.J. Thomson, J.E. Duffy, M.J. Costello, R.D. Stuart-Smith (2017) Abundance and local-scale processes contribute to multi-phyla gradients in global marine diversity. Science Advances 3, e1700419


Bates, A.E., R.D. Stuart-Smith, N.S. Barrett, G.J. Edgar (2017) Biological interactions both facilitate and resist climate-related functional change in temperate reef communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (doi:10.1098/rspb.2017.0484)


Stuart-Smith, R. D, G.J. Edgar, N.S. Barrett, A.E. Bates + 20 authors (2017) Continental-scale assessment of biodiversity trends on Australia’s rocky and coral reefs. Biosciences 67: 134-146




Edgar, G.J., A.E. Bates, T.J. Bird, A.H. Jones, S. Kininmonth, R.D. Stuart-Smith, T.J. Webb (2016) New approaches to conservation science through compilation and analysis of global marine ecological data. Annual Review of Marine Science 8: 435-461


Morley, S.A., A.E. Bates, M. Lamare, J. Richard, K.D. Nguyen, J. Brown and L.S. Peck (2016) Rates of warming and the global sensitivity of shallow water marine invertebrates to elevated temperature. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 96: 159-165




Stuart-Smith, R.D., G.J. Edgar, N.S. Barrett, S.J. Kininmonth, A.E. Bates (2015) Large-scale thermal biases and vulnerability to warming in the world's marine fauna. Nature 528: 88-92


Sunday, J.M., G. Pecl, S. Frusher, A. Hobday, N. Hill, N. Holbrook, G.J. Edgar, R. Stuart-Smith, N. Barrett, T. Wernberg, R. Watson, D.A. Smale, E.A. Fulton, D. Slawinski, M. Feng, B.T. Radford, P.A. Thompson, and A.E. Bates (2015) Species traits and climate velocity explain geographic range shifts in an ocean warming hotspot. Ecology Letters 18: 944-953


Coleman, M.A., A.E. Bates, R.D. Stuart-Smith, H.A. Malcolm, D. Harasti, A. Jordan, N.A. Knott, G.J. Edgar, B. Kelaher (2015) Functional traits reveal early changes in marine reserves. Diversity and Distributions 21: 876-887


Bates, A.E., T.J. Bird, G. Pecl, S. Frusher, A. Hobday, T. Wernberg, D.A. Smale, J. M. Sunday, R.K. Colwell, N.K. Dulvy, G.J. Edgar, M. Feng, E.A. Fulton, N. Hill, N. Holbrook, B.T. Radford, P.A. Thompson, R. Watson (2015) Distinguishing geographical range shifts from artefacts of detectability and sampling effort. Diversity and Distributions 21: 13-22


Stuart-Smith, R., A.E. Bates, J. Lefcheck, E.J. Duffy, S.C. Baker, R. Thomson, J.F. Stuart-Smith, N.A. Hill, S.J. Kininmonth, L. Airoldi, M.A. Becerro, S.J. Campbell, T.P. Dawson, S.A. Navarrete, G. Soler, E.M.A. Strain, T.J. Willis, G.J. Edgar (2015) The potential of trait-based approaches to contribute to marine conservation. Marine Policy 51: 148-150


Lee, R.W., K. Robert, M. Matabos, A.E. Bates, K.S. Juniper (2015) Temporal and spatial variation in temperature experienced by macrofauna at Main Endeavour hydrothermal vent field. Deep-Sea Research Part I 106: 154-166




Pecl, G.T., A.J. Hobday, S. Frusher, W.H.H. Sauer and A.E. Bates (2014) Ocean warming hotspots provide early warning laboratories for climate change impacts. Reviews Fish Biology and Fisheries 24: 409-413


Bird, T.J., A.E. Bates, J. Lefcheck, N. Hill, S. Wotherspoon, M. Krkosek, R. Stuart- Smith, J. Stuart-Smith, G. Pecl, G. Edgar, R.J. Thomson, N. Barrett, S. Frusher (2014) Statistical solutions for error and bias in global citizen science datasets. Biological Conservation 173: 144-154


Bates, A.E., N.S. Barrett, R.D. Stuart-Smith, N.J. Holbrook, P.A. Thompson and G.J. Edgar (2014) Resilience and signatures of tropicalization in protected reef fish communities. Nature Climate Change 4: 62-67


Bates, A.E., G. Pecl, S. Frusher, A. Hobday, T. Wernberg, D.A. Smale, J. M. Sunday, R.K. Colwell, N.K. Dulvy, G.J. Edgar, M. Feng, E.A. Fulton, N. Hill, N. Holbrook, B.T. Radford, P.A. Thompson, R. Watson (2014) Understanding the redistribution of marine species in a changing climate. Global Environmental Change 26: 27-38


Sunday, J.M., A.E. Bates, M.R. Kearney, R.K. Colwell, N.K. Dulvy, J.T. Longino and R.B. Huey (2014) Thermal-safety margins and the necessity of thermoregulatory behavior across latitude and elevation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111: 5610-5615




Bates, A.E., C.M. McKelvie, C. Sorte, S. Morley, J. Mondon, T.J. Bird, G. Quinn (2013) Environmental range, heat tolerance, and invasion success of aquatic species across latitude. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20131958


Watson, S.A., S.A. Morley, A.E. Bates, M.S. Clark, R.W. Day, M. Lamare, S.M. Martin, P.C. Southgate, K.S. Tan, P.A. Tyler, L.S. Peck (2013) Low global sensitivity of metabolic rate in calcified marine invertebrates. Oecologia 174: 45-54


Stuart-Smith, R., A.E. Bates, J. Lefcheck, E.J. Duffy, S.C. Baker, R. Thomson, J.F. Stuart-Smith, N.A. Hill, S.J. Kininmonth, L. Airoldi, M.A. Becerro, S.J. Campbell, T.P. Dawson, S.A. Navarrete, G. Soler, E.M.A. Strain, T.J. Willis, G.J. Edgar (2013) Integrating evenness and functional traits reveals new global hotspots of fish diversity. Nature 501, 539-542 [Post-publication peer review by Faculty of 1000; Highlighted in Nature News and Views]


Bates, A.E., T.J. Bird, K. Robert, K.L. Onthank, S.K. Juniper, G. Quinn and R.W. Lee (2013) Activity and positioning of eurythermal hydrothermal vent sulphide worms in a variable thermal environment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 448:149-155


Leung, T., A.E. Bates (2013) More rapid and severe disease outbreaks for aquaculture in the tropics: implications for food security. Journal of Applied Ecology 50: 215-222 [Editor’s Choice]




Sunday, J.M., A.E. Bates and N.K. Dulvy (2012) Thermal tolerance and the global redistribution of animals. Nature Climate Change 2: 686-690 [Post-publication peer review by Faculty of 1000; Cover Article]


Morley, S.A., S.M. Martin, S.M., A.E. Bates, M.S. Clark, J. Ericson, M. Lamare and L.S. Peck (2012) Spatial and temporal variation in the heat tolerance limits of two keystone Southern Ocean invertebrates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 450: 81- 92


Voight, J, R.W. Lee. R, A. Refy, A.E. Bates (2012) Scientific gear as a vector for non-native species at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Conservation Biology 26: 938- 942


Higgins, F., A.E. Bates, M. Lamare (2012) Heat tolerance and preference of Octopus huttoni (Benham, 1943). Journal of Thermal Biology 37: 83-88




Bates, A.E., Leiterer, F., Wiedeback, M.L. and Poulin, R. (2011) Parasitized snails take the heat: a case of host manipulation? Oecologia 167: 613-621


Bates, A.E., T.L. Harmer and C.M. Cavanaugh (2011) Phylogenetic characterization of episymbiotic bacteria hosted by a hydrothermal vent limpet (Lepetodrilidae, Vetigastropoda). Biological Bulletin 220: 118-127 [Editor’s Pick, featured article on the Biological Bulletin website]


Nguyen, K.D., S.E. Morley, C. Lai, M.S. Clark, K.S. Tan, A.E. Bates and L.S. Peck (2011) Upper temperature limits of tropical marine ectotherms: Global warming implications. PLOS ONE 6: e29340


Sunday, J., A.E. Bates and N. Dulvy (2011) Global analysis of thermal tolerance and latitude in ectotherms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 1823-1830 [Post-publication peer review by Faculty of 1000; 4th most cited article in PRSB in 2011]




Bates, A.E., R.W. Lee, V. Tunnicliffe and M. Lamare (2010) Deep-sea hydrothermal vent animals select cool fluids in a variable thermal environment. Nature Communications 1: 14 [Featured article with featured image on the Nature website]


Bates, A.E., M. Lamare, R. Poulin (2010) Spatial variation in parasite-induced mortality in an amphipod: shore height versus exposure history. Oecologia 163: 651-659


Bates, A.E., L. McLean, P. Laing, L. Raeburn, C. Hare (2010) Specificity in cnidarian-hosted symbioses: Anthopleura species from the Pacific Northeast host different algal types in similar habitats. Biological Bulletin 218: 237-247


Bates, A.E., W.B. Stickle, C.D.G. Harley (2010) Impact of temperature on an emerging parasitic disease between a sperm-feeding scuticociliate and Northeast Pacific sea stars. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 384: 44-50




Bates, A.E., B.J. Hilton, C.D.G. Harley (2009) Effects of temperature, season and locality on wasting disease in the keystone predatory sea star, Pisaster ochraceus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 86: 245-251




Bates, A.E. (2008) Size and sex-based habitat partitioning by Lepetodrilus fucensis near hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 2332-2341


Tunnicliffe, V., J.M. Rose, A.E. Bates and N. Kelly (2008) Effects of a parasitic copepod (Chitonophilidae, Cyclopoida) on a hydrothermal vent limpet (Lepetodrilidae, Vetigastropoda). Parasitology 135: 1281-1293 [Editor’s Pick, featured article on the journal cover]


Lloyd, M. and A.E. Bates (2008) Influence of density-dependent food consumption, foraging and stacking behaviour on the growth rate of the Northern abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana. Aquaculture 277: 24-29




Bates, A.E. (2007) Feeding strategy, morphological specialization and the presence of bacterial symbionts in lepetodrilid gastropods from hydrothermal vents. Marine Ecology Progress Series 347: 87-99


Bates, A.E. (2007) Persistence, morphology and nutritional state of a gastropod hosted bacterial symbiosis in different levels of hydrothermal vent flux. Marine Biology 152: 557-568




DeChaine, E.G., A.E. Bates, C.M. Cavanaugh and T.M. Shank (2006) Off-axis symbiosis found: characterization and biogeography of bacterial symbionts of Bathymodiolus mussels from Lost City hydrothermal vents. Environmental Microbiology 8: 1902-1912 [Headlined on journal cover]




Bates, A.E., V. Tunnicliffe and R.W. Lee (2005) Responses to thermal conditions drives habitat selection by three hydrothermal vent gastropods. Marine Ecology Progress Series 305: 1-15 [Featured article]




Bates, A.E. (2000) Intertidal distribution of two algal symbionts hosted by Anthopleura xanthogrammica (Brandt, 1835). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 249: 249-262

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