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Who are we?

Our Supporters

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Nunatsiavut Government (1).png
DalhousieUniversity (1).jpg
MemorialUniversity (1).png

We have built our partnerships around four pillars: government, environmental non-government organizations, industry, and academia. Project partners are essential to the process of knowledge co-production, including the study of this process and its beneficial outcomes. Similarly, the methods used to generate data and achieve project objectives will draw from a range of research and knowledge traditions. Along with conventional research methods, we aim to elevate traditional (e.g, story telling) and creative (e.g., art production) modes of communicating knowledge, values, and aspirations, in an essential effort to re-evaluate and redefine the way we approach science communication. The partner organizations below provide important transdisciplinary perspectives on the scientific process from research design to science communication.

Our Project Leads

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The Nunatsiavut Government is part of the core identity of the Sustainable Nunatsiavut Futures Project - being full participants in the development, execution and delivery of this research. The involvement of The Nunatsiavut Government at the very base of this project is critical to the success of the project given the significant challenges of field logistics in coastal Labrador, the complex nature of the information we collect and disseminate, the translation of research to policy (see the Imappivut agreement), and the importance of developing relationships with Inuit rights holders.

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The science conducted by the Sustainable Nunatsiavut Futures project connects a diverse group of academic researchers from the Memorial University of Newfoundland and Dalhousie University, as well as Kiel University and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, spanning the social to natural sciences. These partnerships offer interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary training opportunities for our team members, engaging with project partners and Inuit communities. Some academic opportunities built into this transdisciplinary approach can be found here.

Our Project Partners

Click on our project partner logos below to learn more about our work together 

Logo: Department of fisheries and oceans
Logo: Memorial University of Newfoundland


Department of Biology

Memorial University of Newfoundland

St. John's, Canada

Logo: Department of fisheries and oceans logo
Logo: University of Victoria


Department of Biology

University of Victoria

Victoria, Canada

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